Monday, September 30, 2019

Quantification of Proteins in Solution by Spectrophotometer Essay

Introduction: Absorption spectroscopy is a common method for finding the concentration of proteins or protein complexes in a solution. Proteins absorb light at specific wavelengths and can be defined by the equation A = log (Io/I). This equation states that an absorbance at a specific wavelength, A is equal to the log of the ratio of incident light intensity (Io), to transmitted light intensity (I). A spectrophotometer can be used quantitatively and qualitatively. A spectrophotometer is used qualitatively to obtain an absorption spectrum, which can be obtained by plotting the absorbance values, over the range of wavelengths tested for the solution. This helps to find out the suitable wavelength that the compound absorbs maximum. And the spectrophotometer is used quantitatively by using the Beer-Lambert Law; Log [ Io/I] = A = ÃŽ ¾cl, where ÃŽ ¾ is the molar extinction coefficient (unit = Lmol-1cm-1), helps to define the absorbance of the protein, c is the concentration of the substance (mol liter-1), and l is the path length of the light (unit = cm) through the medium. Log [Io/I] is called optical density or absorbance of the substance, and does not have units. Also, an absorption spectrum is created, which deals with absorption and wavelength (nm) of light used, with which â€Å"maximum absorption† is observed. Maximum absorption is when most of the solution particles are absorbed, and this happens at a specific wavelength. Since the Beer Lambert law is useful only for a range of wavelengths, it is not applicable to all protein solutions. In this experiment, an absolute standard was calculated using BSA, so that the concentrations of the other unknown protein solutions can be determined (Lambert, 2011).The different assays used for this protein quantification were Lowry, Bradford (Coomassie Blue) and UV direct. Protein assays help to determine the amount of desired particle present (Srivastava, 2008). The aim of this lab is to understand the various aspects of spectrophotometry and its applications in biochemistry, such as quanitification of protein solutions. Methods: (Carleton University, 2012) The steps were followed without any changes made. Results: Figure1. Absorption spectrum of 6Ãâ€"10-5M p-np solution in 0.02M NaOH, for wavelength range between 330-800nm using a Novaspec spectrophotometer. Sample Calculation: c = 6Ãâ€"10-5M l = 1cm A = 1.166 The Beer Lambert equation is A = Æ cl Rearranged, Æ  = A/cl Æ  = 1.166/(6Ãâ€"10-5)*1 Æ  = 1.94Ãâ€"104 L mol-1 cm-1 Table1. Values of extinction coefficient (Lmol-1cm-1) determined using Beer-Lambert Law. Figure2. Absolute standard curve obtained for BSA test protein solution with the 3 different assays tested (Lowry, Coomassie Blue, UV). Table 2. Absorbance values recorded for different protein dilutions (2X, 5X, 10X) for the three assays used, namely Lowry, Coomassie Blue and UV direct. Sample Calculation for BSA stock protein: * Lowry Equation of line from Fig2; y = -5Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.0016x + 0.038 For 5 fold; y = 5 * 0.44 = 2.20 Substituting in equation; 2.20 = 5Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.0016x + 0.038 X1 = 1600  µg/ml = 1.6mg/ml For 10 fold; y = 10 * 0.23 = 2.30 Substituting in equation; 2.30 = 5Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.0016x + 0.038 X2 = 1600  µg/ml = 1.6mg/ml (X1 + x2)/2 = 1.6mg/ml * Coomassie Blue Equation of line from fig2; y = -7Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.002x + 0.0219 For 5 fold; y = 5 * 0.36 = 1.80 Substituting in equation; 1.80 = -7Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.002x + 0.0219 X1 = 1428.57  µg/ml = 1.4mg/ml For 10 fold; y = 10 * 0.20 = 2.00 Substituting in equation; 2.00 = -7Ãâ€"10-7Ãâ€"2 + 0.002x + 0.0219 X2 = 1428.57  µg/ml = 1.4mg/ml (x1+ x2)/2 = 1.4mg/ml * UV direct Equation of line from fig 2; y = 0.0006x + 0.0175 For 2 fold; y = 2 * 0.42 = 0.84 Substituting in equation; 0.84 = 0.0006x + 0.0175 X1 = 1374.16  µg/ml = 1.4mg/ml For 5 fold; y = 5 * 0.15 = 0.75 Substituting in equation; 0.75 = 0.0006x + 0.0175 X2 = 1179.16  µg/ml = 1.2mg/ml (x1 + x2)/2 = 1.3mg/ml Discussion: Figure 1 shows the absorption spectrum of stock solution (6Ãâ€"10-5M), p-nitrophenol and 0.02M NaOH, and from the graph it can be inferred that 400nm is the wavelength of maximum absorption because absorption is noted to be the highest at this point. Absorbance is noted to increase when wavelength increases till it reaches the point of maximum absorption, after which it decreases till it nearly reaches zero. It is best to consider wavelength of maximum absorption because stronger the intensity, the more accurate will be the readings for absorbance. As seen from table 1, the path lengths remain the same as the cuvettes used were of the same size. The Beer-Lambert Law states that Abs = Æ .c.l, where Æ  = molar extinction coefficient, c = concentration of protein solution, and l = path length of light through medium. Thus, it is noted that absorbance and path length share a directly proportional relationship, i.e. if path length increases, absorbance increases as well. It was clear ly observed in the wide and narrow test-tubes, that as the path length was doubled, the absorbance value doubled too (Srivastava, 2008). Also, from the same equation, it can be determined that absorbance and concentration share a directly proportional relationship meaning that as the concentration decreases, it directly affects the absorbance value obtained, and this value decreases too. Thus, as seen for the four cuvettes tested (in Table 1) as the concentration is halved in every cuvette, the absorbance value is halved correspondingly as well. It is known that the Beer-Lambert law says absorbance is proportional to number of absorbing molecules, and that this is valid for a variety of compounds over a wide range of concentrations. But even as the molar extinction coefficient is seen to be attributed to wavelength, it is true only for monochromatic light (Lambert, 2011). The relationship can be stated as â€Å"Æ  is a measure of the amount of light absorbed per unit concentration†. Molar extinction coefficient is a constant for a particular substance, therefore according to the Beer-Lambert Law it is expected that if the concentration of the solution is halved so is the absorbance. A compound with a high molar extinction is very effective at absorbing light (of the appropriate wavelength), and hence low concentrations of a compound with a high molar extinction can be easily detected. In the values determined (Table 1), the experimental values are in accordance with the theoretical statement except for one cuvette. The cuvette no.3 with Æ  = 1.8Ãâ€"10-4 L mol-1cm-1 does not agree with the trend. Thus it can be deduced that due to experimental error, the Æ  value is inaccurate. Also, from the equation it is understood that Æ  and path-length are inversely proportional as well (i.e. Æ  = Abs/cl) that means that as path-length increases, Æ  decreases, assuming that the concentration is kept constant. But the experimental values do not agree with this statement, because it is seen that as the path-length increases so does the molar extinction coefficient, Æ . Biochemical methods are applied for to determine protein concentration in solutions. Many techniques are less used because they have limitations such as reduced sensitivity, time available for the assay, or they are highly specific about the amino acids in the protein solution being tested. But for e very protein, the component amino acids are different, so there is no single assay that can be used for quantification of all proteins. The absorbance assays use the method of testing the intensity of the color produced by the protein solutions when chemical reagents are added to it. A â€Å"standard protein† whose concentration is known, is treated using the same chemical reagents and thus an absolute standard curve is obtained (Boyer, 2000). In this experiment, the standard used was Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). Development of color is significantly better in BSA than any other protein, and this makes it one of the most preferred test solutions for quantification of proteins (Antharavally, 2008). Hence figure 2 is obtained by performing the three suitable assays on BSA to produce a standard curve, also it can be noted that only the UV direct gave a straight line passing through zero, whereas the Lowry and Coomassie Blue gave curved lines, passing through zero. Table 2 shows the absorbance values recorded, for different dilutions of the test protein in three different assays. With the help of the values obtained in Table 2, and with the equations obtained from Figure 2, the concentration of protein (mg/ml) was calculated and presented in Table 3. Since all the values in Table 3 were deduced from the equation of standard curve BSA, it is considered as the absolute standard, and the other test protein solutions are known as the relative standards. Using the values from Table 3, taking BSA as the absolute standard, the almost actual concentration of the protein (mg/ml) can be concluded, and they are 1.6 (mg/ml) for Lowry assay, 1.4 (mg/ml) for Coomassie Blue and 1.3 (mg/ml) for UV direct. For Lowry assay, the concentration value for all test proteins was 1.6 mg/ml, which must mean that the value obtained is accurate. For Coomassie blue, BSA and Hemoglobin were the same (1.4mg/ml), Ovalbumin and Lysozyme had similar values of 1.9mg/ml, and 1.8mg/ml respectively, whereas Gamma globulin showed 2.5mg/ml. The value for Gamma globulin is off because of experimental error, of spilling some of the contents from the cuvette while transferring it to the spectrophotometer for calibration. For UV direct, BSA and Ovalbumin have similar readings (1.3mg/ml and 1.5mg/ml respectively), Gamma globulin is 2.5mg/ml, but Lysozyme is 5.9mg/ml and Hemoglobin is 3.8mg/ml. The reason for this could be due to the fact that UV direct helps to identify the presence of aromatic compounds indicating that Lysozyme and Hemoglobin contain aromatic compounds present in them. The Lowry protein assay is the most common and one of the more sensitive, but it is time consuming, on the other hand Coomassie blue (the Bradford assay) is much more sensitive as compared to Lowry, and requires less time too. They both show change of color with proteins. As for UV direct method, it is one of the faster methods too, and it is helpful to identify aromatic compounds because aromatic residues absorb 280nm light (Boyer, 2000). The Lowry procedure can detect protein levels as low as 5 µg (Boyer, 2000). It depends on the color development by the reagent Folin-Ciocalteu. Peptide bonds are formed under alkaline Cu2+ conditions and reduced from Folin-Ciocalteu phosphomolybdate-phosphotungsten by aromatic amino acids (tyrosine and tryptophan) to heteropolymolybdenum blue. The standard curve obtained with BSA helps to determine concentration of unknown protein solutions (Antharapally, 2008). In the case of Coomassie blue, it is more efficient than Lowry because even though there is variation with different proteins, there is very less interference by non protein components (Borley, 2000). Therefore, according to literature, Coomassie Blue is the most preferred protein assay but this contrasts the experimental inferences, because through experimental procedure it was seen that Lowry method gave the most accurate and precise results. With this experiment, the method to quantify unknown protein concentrations has been understood. Also, that this process must be performed carefully to avoid irrational experimental errors. References: Antharavally B.S, Bell P.A, Haney P, Mallia K.A, Rangaraj P. 2008. Quantitation of proteins using a dye–metal-based colorimetric protein assay. Analytical Biochemistry. 385; 342-245. Boyer R, 2000. Modern Experimental Biochemistry, third edition. Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. USA. (41-45). Lambert J.B, Gronert S, Lightner D.A, Shurvell H.F, 2011. Organic Structural Spectroscopy, second edition. Pearson Education, Inc, New Jersey. (401, 404) Srivastava M.L, 2008. Bioanalytical Techniques. Alpha Science International, Ltd. Oxford, UK. (58,118)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Compare and Contrast The Rocking Horse Winner and The Lottery Essay

THESIS: The two short stories, â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† by D. H. Lawrence both use symbols to help the reader understand the theme of the story; however the themes of both stories were completely different, one about love the other the lack of love. In â€Å"The Lottery† and â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† both authors use symbols to help convey the central message of the story to their readers. In â€Å"The Lottery†, Jackson uses the black box to symbolize the villagers’ connection to the tradition of the lottery. â€Å"The original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago† The villagers were willing to let some parts of the lottery change but never question why or even think about changing the lottery itself â€Å"The black box grew shabbier each year†. Falling apart but villagers show no interest in replacing it The Black box had no significance the rest of the year and could be found in several different locations throughout the town In â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner†, Lawrence uses the whispering house and the rocking horse to show how greed gets you nowhere. â€Å"There must be more money† The house spoke of it often, usually when the children received things that they knew that the family could not afford. They had servants but no car of their own, because they were poor. Paul thought he could stop the house from whispering if he could win enough money. After giving his mom all of his earnings the house simply got louder. â€Å"The voices in the house went mad† This scared Paul and made him want to get more money. He could no longer hear from the rocking horse. This made him ride it faster and longer. In the end Paul died trying to quiet the whispers in the house. While both authors used symbolism to convey the message of their stories the themes of the stories could not have been more different. In â€Å"The Lottery† the theme of the story is the lack of love shown by the villagers The villagers follow custom with no questions asked The villagers are not willing to give up the customs They are teaching lack of compassion to the next generation The theme in â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† is love. Paul loves his mom so much he is desperate to prove himself lucky and perhaps this would make her love him. Paul was angered by his mother not believing that he was lucky and set out to prove her wrong. Paul risks himself to give her what she needed, money. He sacrificed his own life for his mother. Paul gave his mother all of his earnings because he thought he could always get more. He then stopped having all the answers and lost money. He rode his horse nonstop until his ultimate death. When people hear the word â€Å"lottery†, their minds usually turn to positive things and most likely the chance of winning something such as money. The title â€Å"Rocking Horse Winner† would make readers think that this story would be about a child winning a rocking horse. From the simple titles alone, most readers would think that these stories would have a positive outcome. They both draw you completely in and turn out to have a much different ending than you would imagine. The two short stories, â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† by D. H. Lawrence both use symbols to help the reader understand the theme of the story; however, the themes of both stories were completely different, one about love and the other about the lack of love. In â€Å"The Lottery† and â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner,† both authors use symbols to help convey the central message of the story to their readers. In â€Å"The Lottery,† Jackson uses the black box to symbolize the villagers’ connection to the tradition of the lottery. The black box was not the original box that was used for the lottery and was old and worn down. â€Å"The box grew shabbier each year† (par. 5) but the villagers showed no interest in replacing or fixing it. Many of the old traditions of the lottery had been abandoned, but for whatever reason the lottery was still held each summer without questions from the villagers. Even though â€Å"the original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago† (par. 5) and many of the customs had been abandoned or changed to suit the needs of the growing town, the villagers were unwilling to change or even question giving up the lottery itself. The black box had no significance the re st of the year in the town. It could be found in several different locations throughout the town. In â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner,† Lawrence uses the whispering house and the rocking horse to show how greed gets you nowhere. When the children in the story received gifts that their family could not afford, the house would whisper â€Å"there must be more money† (par. 5). The family seemed to outsiders to be well off because of the house they lived in and that they had servants, but they had no car. Paul thought that he could stop the voices in the house if he could just make enough money gambling. After he gave his mom all of his winnings, the voices in the house only got louder and â€Å"the voices in the house suddenly  went mad† (par. 176). This scared Paul and only made him want to get more money, but he suddenly could not hear the winner from riding his rocking horse. Paul began to ride his horse longer and faster than ever before. In the end Paul, dies trying to quiet the whispers in the house. While both authors used symbolism to convey the message of their stories, the themes of the stories could not have been more different. In â€Å"The Lottery,† the theme of the story is the lack of love shown by the villagers. The villagers were all willing to follow the customs of the lottery without asking any questions. Even when Mrs. Hutchinson was chosen as the person to be stoned, she never once asked why or tried to get out of it; her only defense was â€Å"it wasn’t fair† (para.50). The village people were willing to give up most of the original traditions of the lottery but not the lottery itself. Several of the other towns had already stopped doing the lottery, but in this town the peoples’ only defense was â€Å"there’s always been a lottery† (para. 31). The villagers were teaching lack of love and compassion to the next generation. Even Mrs. Hutchinson’s own son was given rocks and took part willingly in stoning his own mother to death. The theme in â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† is love. Paul loves his mom so much he is desperate to prove himself lucky and perhaps this would make her love him. Paul is angry when his mother does not believe that he is lucky and sets out to prove her wrong. He risks himself to give her what she needed, money. He sacrificed his own life for his mother. Paul gave his mother all of his earnings because he thought he could always get more. He then stopped having all the answers and lost money. He rode his horse nonstop until his ultimate death. In â€Å"The Lottery† and â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner,† both stories use different symbols to help the reader to understand them, even though the themes of both stories are completely different. One story tells about the lack of love and compassions shown by villagers to each other, and the other tells about the love a boy has for his mother. Lawrence and Jackson were both able to use symbolism to effectively add depth and richness to their stories. References Lawrence, D.H. (2013). â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner†. In Kennedy, X.J., & Gioia, D. (Eds.), _Literature: an introduction to fiction, poetry, drama, and writing_ (pp. 234-245). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. Jackson, S. (2013). â€Å"The Lottery†. In Kennedy, X.J., & Gioia, D. (Eds.), _Literature: an introduction to fiction, poetry, drama, and writing_ (pp. 250-256). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nursing and media

There has been a big interest in the study of popular images of nurses and nursing. Writers have been focused on images of nurses on television, in cinema, in news coverage, and elsewhere. Most of the time, public beliefs of the nursing are shaped by the Images people see on TV. The Stereotypical view of nurses as working only In acute-care, high technology area often portrayed In the media makes It very difficult to provide the different view of nurses working within the community. In reality, stereotypical views of nursing have a negative impact even on nurses who practice in acute care hospitals.Not too many understand that the nurse is there to save patients lives . Most of public see nurses as sweet, kind, attentive and willing to talk, but not especially critical to the effort to rescue them from medical errors and injuries. (Derbyshire & Gordon, n. D. ) We can see fictional portrayals of nurses, for instance â€Å"Scrubs† sitcom. The show character nurse Carla. She is o ften portrayed as strong and competent. She is the only major character on this show I would describe as normal. In one of the episodes a surgeon comments â€Å"Idiot can be a nurse†, and of course, the show instantly hasCarla express her disagreement, but It does not disapprove what a surgeon has said. The other show, Grey s Anatomy portrays nurses In offensive way most of the time. I don't see much respect doctor†enter to the nurses, they don't call them by their names, they yell â€Å"Nurse! † At the end, the hospital finally gave nurses the upper hand. â€Å"Nursing has become more complex in ways that could not have been imaging a generation ago. Nursing and Media Some people may view nursing differently then others. Some may view nursing as negative and some positive. This perception may actually be due to the way the media depicts nursing. One television show or movie may portray the nursing image as loving and caring, where another may portray the image as incompetent or unpleasant. There has been much research conducted over time on the portrayal of nursing in the media and the impact it has on the public’s view. Some research says the public views nursing positively despite the media, while others say the media has a very negative impact on nursing.Whether the media depicts nursing as good or bad, or can influence the public’s views, it is up to the nurses themselves to be aware of their own behaviors and portray nursing positively in real life. People may know the name Florence Nightingale. Nightingale was a nurse seen as an angel due to her work during the Crimean War and is known as the founder of modern nursing. Her imag e embodies the caring fundamentals of nursing. Today, many people may know the name Nurse Jackie – a nurse on a television show portrayed quite differently than Nightingale.Nurse Jackie is seen as a strong-willed nurse who needs the help of narcotics to make it through her day, which is much different from Nightingale’s angelic image. This portrayal raises the question of whether people realize that television shows are fictional and the portrayal of nurses is a dramatic effect and done purely for ratings. Some research has been done to study the affect the media may have on nursing. Peter Buerhaus, PhD, RN conducted a study in 2007 and found that despite less-than-authentic portrayals of nurses on some television shows, the media positively influences public perceptions (Howell, 2010).However, some say that the negative portrayal of nursing in the media actually does influence the public’s perception negatively. Marie Quimba, director of professional studies at Grand Canyon in Phoenix, AZ says that many people, especially the less educated and younger population, are influenced by negative imagery in the media (Muehlauer, 2012). There was also a study conducted by David Stanley who is a senior lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia.The study analyzed the stereotypes on television and found that misrepresentations on television are likely to have a profound effect on the public’s perception. Television brings characters into the living room and the viewer is more likely to associate it with reality (Howell, 2010). If the media does affect the public’s image of nursing in a negative way then the question is raised about how the nursing profession can change the public’s perception of nursing.One thing that the nursing profession can do is to get involved in the media and give feedback and input. Cindy Saver, president of CLS Development, Inc. and a regi stered nurse says that nurses must get involved and have a voice to convey their opinions and desires. Saver also recommends that nurses e-mail and write letters to television producers and contact companies that advertise during certain nurse-oriented programs to voice their pleasure or displeasure (Howell, 2010). Other suggestions include portraying nurses more positively in the media.Recently, Johnson & Johnson conducted an advertising campaign concerning nurses and the nursing profession. One of the Johnson & Johnson ads shows a male nurse singing with a pediatric patient during chemotherapy treatment. These television commercials portray nursing in a positive light. They give nurses much well deserved admiration and may help in having a positive impact on the image of nursing. Other positive portrayals come from media sources such as news stories about nurses assisting during disasters, such as in hurricanes and tornadoes.The media is bound to continue to portray the nursing pr ofession negatively for the purpose of ratings; however, the public’s perception of nurses is a combination of what they see in the media and their real life experience. It is, therefore, incumbent on nurses to both affect media portrayal through letter writing campaigns and also to be aware of their own behaviors and how they portray themselves to the public in their everyday life.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Motivating High School Students in Singapore Research Proposal - 1

Motivating High School Students in Singapore - Research Proposal Example Most students believe in efforts and ability for their school achievement, and they wish to strike a good balance between achievement extremes. (Bandura Albert, 1995, p 53) Motivation does not come naturally. Students need constant efforts because many of their school policies discourage their efforts, they also have to study on few incentives, they are affected by peer pressure, and most at times, their intentions tend to backfire. Students, therefore, need to be taught on how to combine perspiration with inspiration in order to attain higher grades. They should be used to higher standards and expectations, as well as trying to persuade them to work hard. They need to get the right signals concerning what the purpose of education and achievement is. Teenagers, on the other hand, need to be encouraged to have a good social life, to learn, focusing on getting a good job and pursue other important aspects of life. We need to understand that there is a lot of educational mediocrity, hence work on making sure that students focus on academic learning as their number one priority. They should not be allowed to create learning schedules because peers do not lo ve reading, hence accord it for one hour. (Bandura Albert, 1995, p 53) One has to be triggered to be motivated. There are always reasons as to why people engage in certain kinds of behavior, and that is what is known as motivation. Volition is another important thing in life as a student. This is the process of cognition used by individuals in order to take a certain course of action. It goes hand in hand with motivation, and it occurs consciously, then converted to a habit over some time. Completion of high school has been rated as a necessity in life, as well as in any job market of Singapore, and this should be made known to students. It has been evident that even schools give ambivalent messages as to why academic achievement is important.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Burger King and Mc Donalds Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Burger King and Mc Donalds - Case Study Example Realizing the importance of this Burger King has launched a donation with VISA to fund Foundation Education Program. Product Research & development and a strategy of continuous innovation: Keeping an eye on the changing consumer tastes and allocating budgets for testing of different variants helps a company keep abreast of change. This strategy was initially successful and consumers started preferring the Burger king fries. However, it was not successful in the long run due to inefficient implementation. Excellent Branding and Marketing Activities: In 1998, when Burger King launched the fries with the tag line "Decision 98: Try the Fry America" and the Free Fryday giant national giveaway eventually led to Burger King's Fries being ranked number one as compared to the Mc Donald's Fries for the first time in history. The greatest weakness of Burger King is the strength of the franchisees which on the whole does not work in favour of Burger King. The reason for this is that franchisees have formed some type of a unionized cartel and has the strength to actually steer the management's decision. Another weakness lies in the product. The procedure for making coated fries is so difficult and involves so many stages that there is no margin of error and even a small variance in the ingredients leads to spoilt taste. Vision: Burg External Analysis: Opportunities Vs Threats The increase in per capita consumption of fries from 6 pounds to seven pounds is an opportunity in itself which Mc Donald's has made use of but Burger King could not capitalize on it. Threats The greatest threat is entry of competition. In the last few decades One Potato Two Potato has become very strong in

Managing Diversity in British Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Diversity in British Schools - Essay Example Instead of segregation they could be taught in conventional schools with teachers pointing their weak areas. The Government needs to provide resources to schools of the minorities and ensure that they do not undergo racial abuse by teachers and fellows. Therefore these boys seem to need special attention from their teachers and proper care, love and support from their parents which could be obtained by training. This paper intends to highlight the reporting of standards of achievement and behavior in British Schools while finding out the reasons for the problems of blacks in Britain face. Three articles taken from different sources were analyzed and the findings from those are given below. In this article, Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, plans to deal with the under- achievement of the black students. It is known that there has been two times as many blacks in prison as there are studying in the university. In order to increase their achievement level it is believed that they should be taught separately from the white students and it is also essential to have parental support. He said that "The Windsor Fellowship", which is mainly for ethnic minority children, have mentored their students excellently that 100% of their students passed with good GCSE grades in London while 75% in Birmingham last year. Keith Va Keith Vaz, the Labour MP for Leicester East, criticized and fears that this would further enhance the segregation and lead to encouraging the feeling of being different. He says that the normal schools should provide additional help required by the failing minority students. Phillips believes that poverty is neither the reason for the poor performance of the black boys, nor white people regarding them as inferior. As their sisters perform well so does the Chinese and Indian students who also suffer from discrimination as perform far better than black boys. [7] Objectivity or Interest of the Writers The writer cares about the welfare of the students of the ethnic minorities and suggests ways of improving their educational achievements especially those of the black boys, who seem to be spending their lives in prison, mainly by segregating schools but believes that racial discrimination is not the reason for their poor performance. The writer believes that poverty is not the major reason behind the low achievement but it is actually under-employment which is the main reason. The black boy after graduation do not get job up to their capabilities which is seen by children and is believed that education is not the solution. Hence they indulge in crime which seems manlier than education. [6] The major reason for the black boys performing low is the racial abuse in the schools which needs to be stopped as it results not only in poor results but dropping out of schools. This eventually leads them to commit illegal act like robbery and drug trafficking. Hence every student should be welcomed and diversity should be accepted in schools especially by the white teachers and students. [4] The minorities and blacks students must have seen their parents work so hard and their employer's under-utilizing their skills, leaving them to dwell in poverty. Hence it leaves an impression on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

The Healthcare - Essay Example In an interview with Clay G., Med, Ph.D. classroom teacher at Michelle Jordan, and counselor at Seagoville Elementary School, Dr. Clay mentioned that the most substance used by children in my school is tobacco. He confirmed that Seagoville is in a low socio-economic area in Dallas County and has a prevalence of drug users which these children are exposed to, the kids tend to pick up smoking or using drugs because of the area they live and grew up inside. Due to the low education and increasing poverty in this area, students rarely escape such poverty. Dr. Clay explained that students who use drugs display different behaviors. In addition to mood swings, students are usually jittery, lethargic, depressed, and unable to focus. When these behaviors are noticed by the teacher the parents are invited to meet with a counselor and the child’s teacher. The school counselor in most cases provides weekly lessons to students on any issues related to drug and peer pressure. Schools togeth er with district administrators mostly hold the Red Ribbon Drug Free week, which is a pledge for students not to use drugs. He recommended that the only thing that may help in reducing such drug abuse is early education and funding to increase resources that will help reach all children at a tender age. More commercials have to be designed to show students the effects of drug abuse such as, â€Å"this is your brain on drugs† campaign shown a few years ago, with the person’s brain presented in form of an egg being fried on a pan.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Women Of Color Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Women Of Color - Essay Example No sacrifice was complete without women participating in it. They enjoyed rights equal to men, with full liberty to receive education and prepare themselves in their own manner, to face the arduous battle of life. They had full voice in the settlement of matrimonial relations. Many nations affirm the principle of gender equality. As women continue to advance in most walks of life, the impression that equality has been reached and that gender issues no longer pose real problems has naturally gained ground. Yet, many cultural, economic and social barriers remain. Although as many women as men possess the skills necessary to shape social and economic development, women are still prevented from fully participating in decision-making processes. Today the role of men and women in our society is both collaborative and supplementary. During the last five decades women have entered in increasing numbers into salaried and remunerative occupations as well as professions, which were previously the exclusive preserve of men. Today the difference that while women in former days worked along with men in the fields, now they work in factories or offices. The myth of male superiority is only a distortion that came in the wake of growing male domination. It is a paradox th at there should be an increase in crimes against women, especially in the face of spectacular strides being made by them in various walks of life. Emancipation of women has occupied an important place in the scheme for social reforms undertaken in developing countries of Asia and Africa, in the later half on the 19th century. Violence against women remains pervasive worldwide a major health and human rights concern. Women can experience physical or mental abuse throughout their lifecycle, in infancy, childhood and/or adolescence, or during adulthood or older age. It is the most atrocious manifestation of the systemic discrimination and inequality women continue to face, in law and in their everyday lives, around the world. It occurs in every region, country, and culture, regardless of income, class, race or ethnicity. Violence against women in developing countries have becoming mere frequent and is alarmingly on the increase. Today in almost every stratum of our social life, women are treated as inferior creatures. Almost all countries go about shouting about constitutional equality between man and women, but have yet to go long way before women find an equally safe and honorable place in society. The newspaper daily read and hears about ladies living in busy localities being murdered in broad daylight. It is so because they have some yellow metal on them. Rape is not the only motive force behind the crimes against women. A woman, by her very constitution, is vulnerable. In poor countries Young girls are deceived on promises of a decent job or marriage. Once a girl has fallen, she is blackmailed into a life of vice. To get a feel of the widespread evil of crime against women, only requirement is to know the experiences of working girls from the moment they leave their home up to the time of their return. At all times they are

Monday, September 23, 2019

Entrepenurship-6.What factors affect the development and Essay

Entrepenurship-6.What factors affect the development and implementation of effective strategies in small businesses(SME) - Essay Example The survival of SMEs within the modern market is a challenging task: the increase of competition globally has led SMEs to change their strategies in order to meet the demands of the market. Despite the fact that SMEs operate locally (i.e. only within a specific country, with exception in case of online activity) they should continuously review their strategic choices in order to ensure the effectiveness of their plans in terms of the market’s demands and the customer preferences. Current paper refers to the factors that can affect the development and the implementation of effective strategies in SMEs. There is no reference to specific country; rather a series of data and findings related with SMEs that operate around the world will be employed in this study. Potential suggestions will be also made under the terms that the strategic restructuring of a small firm is feasible under the conditions of its market and its financial strength to respond to the demands of the relevant e ffort. As already noticed above small businesses have a limited number of employees – that could be depended on the relevant governmental regulations (in the example mentioned above, the New Zealand, the number of employees of SMEs cannot be higher than 5). In this context, entrepreneurship in SMEs has to be appropriately customized in order to meet the demands of the market but also to respond to the needs of the firm. In SMEs their owner is usually actively involved in all operational activities; he’s not just a supervisor of the employees (although this option would be also available). In accordance with the above, entrepreneurship in SMEs should focus on the design and the development of the appropriate strategies that would support the increase of the firm’s productivity towards the stabilization of the firm’s position in the market. If the above target is achieved, the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Images of female bodies Essay Example for Free

Images of female bodies Essay Images of female bodies and female sexuality are displayed everywhere. Many images of women portrayed in the mainstream media glorify the ideal image of women and the feminine ideal. This paper discusses the way in which the media portrays the feminine ideal in mainstream media and compares the feminine ideal with the masculine ideal and the ideal image of women depicted in prior periods of history. The perfection that is idealized in the mainstream media is deliberating to women where images of beautiful women are plastered all around them and they feel that they need to aspire to a perfect celebrity image by being the perfect weight, wearing the best clothes and buying the latest make up that makes them look as beautiful as celebrities such as Scarlett Johansen. Media activist Jean Kilbourne is at the forefront of this media debate and argues that the images of women in the media means that real woman’s bodies have become invisible in the mass media. Advertising creates a mythical, mostly white world in which people are rarely ugly, overweight, poor, struggling or disabled, either physically or mentally. ’’ (Kilbourne, Beauty and the Beast). The problem of this `feminine ideal’ is that media images of beauty are unattainable for most of the women that aspire to this perfect image. The portrayal of the ideal body shape in celebrities applies a cultural pressure to be thin and achieve the ideal body shape on women who read magazines and the like. They sell values, images, and concepts of success and worth, love and sexuality, popularity and normalcy. They tell us who we are and who we should be. ’’ (Kilbourne, Beauty and the Beast) In contrast to the way that females are depicted mainstream media today it is interesting to look at ways that females were portrayed in prior periods of history. The more robust female figure was glorified in the past as seen in the art works and described in the literature of yester year. As time goes on the image of the `feminine ideal’ is becoming smaller and smaller. It is not only the female body that is imaged in the media but the masculine form as well. Masculinity is constructed in a similar way to which femininity has been constructed over the past few decades. Mainstream media representations play a role in enforcing the media representations of men and what it means to be a ‘real’ man in society. Traits that are typical of this ‘real’ man image include but are not limited to self -control, control of others, aggression and physical desirability. In conclusion, it is clear to see that the media now portrays an ideal image for both women and men to aspire to and that it is the media that idealizes and constructs this perfect and sometimes unattainable image. References Kilbourne, Jean. The Beauty and the Beast of Advertising. In Diana George John Trimbur (Eds. ) Reading Culture (pp. 178-184). New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 1999.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Effects Of Globalization On Boots Economics Essay

The Effects Of Globalization On Boots Economics Essay Globalization Globalization is the system of interaction among the countries of the world in order to develop the global economy. Globalization involves technological, economical and cultural exchanges made possible largely by advances in communication, transportation, and infrastructure. Cultural aspects: People from different parts of the world come to work in an organisation. This helps to combine various ideas which in turn help to enhance the performance of work in a better way. Economic aspects: Due to globalization, the position of any organization is filled by diverse cultural workforce, due to this factor the HR gets various options for getting the work done and that to on a lower pay scale and this boost the performance of the company by getting the work done in estimated time. The expanding scale, growing magnitude, speeding up and deepening impact of transcontinental flows and patterns of social interaction (Held andMcGrew, Globalization/Anti-Globalization, p. 1) Integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, direct foreign investmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦short-term capital flows, international flows of workers and humanity generally, and flows of technologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Bhagwati, p. 3) Eras of Globalization First Era of Globalization (about 1850-1914) Interwar Period (1920-1939) Cold War Era (1945-1989) Second Era of Globalization (1989-Present) Boots UK Boots UK limited is a leading pharmaceuticals and beauty product chain in the UK. It is a member of Alliance Boots, an international pharmacy health and beauty product. Boots products are aliable in USA, Canada, Netherland, Norway, Sweden, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, UK and The Republic of Ireland. Boots globalisation The purchase of Sun Pharma an Indian third largest pharmaceuticals company, will add significance values to boots. The acquisition is consistent with Boots mergers and acquisition guidelines for revenue growth and expansion, niche, good synergies, access to new market and customer, ensuring growth potential and shareholder value adding. Others news of Boots Extension of pilots in the Netherland. No 7 pilot in Finland Increased our presence in Thailand. Example of foreign pharmaceuticals company AstraZeneca In June 2003, the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceuticals company, AstraZeneca(AZ), Research facility in Bangalore, with a focus on new treatment for tuberculosis with more than 100 scientists with other AZ RD centres, particularly those in Boston, USA and Cheshire, UK AZ CEO, Sir Tom McKIllop, explained that the decision to conduct the RD in India was because of the quality of Indian scientists. GlaxoSmithKline and Ranbaxy In October 2003, UK-headquartered pharmaceutical company, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), and Indias largest pharmaceutical company, Ranbaxy Laboratories, announced a drug discovery. Under the agreement, the two companies divide the research and development work between them. GSK has special commercialisation responsibilities worldwide, while Ranbaxy takes the lead in the huge Indian market, with GSKs consent, may co-promote in both the US and EU. Example of other pharmaceuticals globalisation company. Jubilant Organosys acquire Cadista Pharmaceuticals US company in 2005 Aurobindo Pharma acquires an manufacturing plant in Dayton, New Jersy in 2006. Dr Reddys has MHRA approved manufacturing plant in the UK Wockhardit has manufacturing plant in the UK, Ireland, and France Advantages of Pharmaceuticals Company in India Low cost manufacturing Low wages rate High quality research Manufacturing facilities Educated personal Indian huge market Benefit to Boots When Boots produce a medicine and cosmetic product in India and sell to the European country and Middle East. Due to the Brand Name of Boots and Sun Pharma Boots can sell a medicine in India and Asian country. Net profit will increased to  £ 950 million in next year which is  £ 350 million more than 2010. Production cost of Medicine in UK and India Name of medicine Production cost in UK Production cost in India Paracetamol 500 mg 10 tablet  £0.230  £0.020 Albendazole 400 mg 1tablet  £0.540  £0.025 Amoxycillin 500mg 10 capsule  £0.940  £0.390 Cipro 500 mg 10 capsule  £1.150  £0.540 Omeprazole 40 mg 10 capsule  £2.123  £0.440 Vitamin B complex 10 capsule  £0.650  £0.100 Metformin 500mg 10 tablet  £0.690  £0.110 Source: All this above cost shows that manufacturing medicine in India is up to 5 times less than UK Reason for increased globalisation Boots has moved their business operation to foreign by going global. In order to remain competitive Boots move as fast to secure a strong position in emerging markets with different pharmaceuticals and beauty product for to customized for the need of the customer. Indian market is attracting Boots with new capital investments and very good incentivise. Some of the reasons for increased globalisation of business are: Trade barriers Customer demands Regulation and restrictions Globalisation of competitors Boots is manufacturing their products in order to avoid the burden of traffic, the policy of buy-local, quotes and other restrictions that makes exports too expensive to foreign market. They are also responding to customer demand for effective operations and product reliability also logistical operation. In compare to India European laws and regulation has many restriction which are inconvenient and expansive. Globalisation of competitors is another reason. The aggressive reasons for globalisation are: Growth opportunities Resources asses and cost saving Economic of scale Incentives Why globalisation in India? The GDP growth also shows that there is no affected in India when there is an economic crisis in the world 2008 and 2009. In 2008 USA and UK has 3.0 and 0.5 representative but India has 7.3 and when there is crises in 2009 -0.8 in USA and -4.8 in UK. The crises has not affected more India still have 5.6. The GDP growth is more in 2010 USA has growth to2.7 and UK to 1.3 but India has increased up to 7.7. This forecasts by international monetary fund shows that developing Asian countries has not affected at the time of economic crises. These GDP growths also encourage Boots to globalisation to India. Disadvantages of globalisation Guy Brainbant : The process of globalisation not only include opening up a world trade and more generally increased mobility of person, goods, capital, data and idea but also infection, diseases and population. Disadvantages of globalisation are Intense competition Exploitation of worker. Harder for small business to established themselves Gap between rich and poor countries Income generated in host countries may not be spend in same countries Conclusion There are more advantages of globalisation in developing countries India. Boots will create competitive strategy that will fulfil its corporate goals. Boots must allocate capital funds where they will be more effective and derived the highest return on our investment. Bibliography Globalisation and Poverty: Centre for International Economics, Australia. WIDER ANNUAL LECTURE 6: Winners and Losers over two centuries of Globalisation: Jeffery G. Williamson

Friday, September 20, 2019

Motives For European Expansion To America Essay -- American History, C

Prior to 1490s, Europeans had already sailed down to west coast Africa and were having a long-established trade in African Slaves. Moreover, European expansion basis was the ambition for the trade and resources of Asia. They tried to expand further to Asia motivated by ambition for the trade and resources of Asia. Three centuries after Columbus’s discovery of America, various Europeans which are Spanish, Portuguese, French, English and Dutch were dominating Native American. They were occupying the Western Hemisphere and imported African slaves to work them in plantations. To understand more about Europeans motive expansion to America, we need to observe their political, cultural and economical aspect, particularly Spanish, English and French. Spanish expansion was indicated by Christopher Columbus arrival in America. He was exploring the southern and western America in their quest of gold. However, to begin with, Columbus, a Portuguese, ambition was to discover a new trade route to China so that he would receive financial backing for the Spanish merchants by his agreement with King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Since the morale of the Spanish people were very high at that point in time, a new trade to China would be an expression for the crusading mentality of reconquista, of carrying Christianity to the people of Asia. Nonetheless, Columbus failed to find the new route to China, but he unexpectedly arrived on America. Moreover, he failed to find any gold, but the Spanish kingdom wanted to expand its empire in America to spread its religion and cultures. They sent missionaries, built churches, introduced European way of farming and growing crops in their colonies, and introduce the Native Americans to Spanish culture by e ncour... ...s in America. Moreover, they were quite friendly to Native Americans and supported against the Five Nations of Iroquois. This helped French to have good relationship with Indian so that they could observe deep into Indian territories to find for new suppliers for fur trade. At the same time, the priest also tried to convince the Indians by spreading the Catholicism. Furthermore, unlike the Spanish and English, French Jesuits did not use Indians for forced labor and they were successful to convert Indians by providing Indian needs. In short, social, political and economical was not necessarily contribute the motivation of Europeans to settle in America. This is because Spain, England and France have different reason to come to America which was economic and religious factors that played an important role in contributing for their motive to expand to America.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Strange Behavior and Ghosts in Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay

Throughout the play ‘Hamlet‘, we see that the protagonist seems troubled and quite isolated. The Shakespearean play is believed to have been first performed between 1600 and 1601 but not published until 1603. Hamlet is the young prince of Denmark, his mother Gertrude married her brother-in-law shortly after her husband (Hamlet’s father) died. In the Elizabethan era many people believed in supernatural forces and this is displayed within the play when Hamlet’s father returns as a ghost. Many people would argue that Hamlet is possessed and his madness and strange behaviour is partly due to his father’s death and his reoccurrence as a ghost. From the beginning of the play Hamlet seems as if he is emotionally unstable and unable to cope well with his emotions. The audience see this through Hamlet’s sadness over his father’s death. For example ‘I have of late†¦lost all my mirth’ (2,2,280). Hamlet says here that he has lost all of his happiness; this shows us as an audience that he feels empty and has nothing to feel happy or joyful about. Moreover we see that Hamlet is unable to communicate well with others and this backs up the point that he feels isolated and lonely. Shakespeare uses short sharp sentences to show that the character doesn’t want to converse, ‘Words, words, words’ (2,2,189). This is the response Hamlet gives when Polonius asks what book he reads. The reply shows that he doesn’t want to talk and is being quite dismissive when asked questions. Hamlet’s behaviour is obsessive at times in different ways. He is very focused as he is concentrating on fulfilling his late father’s task, which is to kill his Claudius (Hamlet‘s uncle) for betraying him. For instance, ‘A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his son, do ... ...ortant quote that could show that he is pretending is ‘, â€Å"I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw† (2,2,361–362). Here Hamlet basically says he knows what is what in which case he knows when he is seen to be mad. Finally, the way that Hamlet is perceived by the audience is different for everyone and is interpreted in many different ways. The other characters all believe that Hamlet is truly ill or mad, however most critics feel that this was a cover up plan so Hamlet could organise his plan to murder Claudius and the other characters would find it hard to believe Hamlet could murder somebody if he was truly insane. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. â€Å"The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark† Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts. 9th Ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2009. Print

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Happy Girl :: Character

The Happy Girl Jackie's small features curled up in horror as I unceremoniously plopped down on the hotel room floor. "Ew! That's so disgusting, Sarah!" she exclaimed, stomping her slipper-clad foot soundly on the floor. "I can't believe that you're sitting on the carpet! You know how germ-a-phobic I am!" Rolling around some more, I laughed as her hands clasped around a jumbo-sized container of Lysol. Even on the band trip to Colorado, she was still as cautious of "infection" as ever. Shaking her head at me, she smiled somberly as she shook the can, preparing to thoroughly disinfect our room. Based on this alone, most people would classify Jackie as, well, a freak. Most likely, they'd be right. But she's "freaky" in an amazingly wonderful sort of way. I've known Jackie since sixth grade. When I first went to West Hempfield Middle School, I didn't know many people. Most of my friends were sent to Harrold, while others became "popular" seemingly overnight, leaving their slightly geeky bookworm of a best friend behind as they went on to become cheerleaders, athletes, or student government representatives. One of the girls from my homeroom that I quickly befriended introduced me to Jackie at the beginning of the school year during sixth-grade lunch. From the moment we met, I knew that we'd make great friends. We had a lot in common, including interests in music (we both play clarinet), television (we're both huge X-Files fans), and art. Even when we'd disagree about something, she was still fun to be around. Jackie is the kind of girl that is always perky, helping anyone out of a bad mood, even when she's in one herself. I can't help but smile when I talk to her; her happiness is seemingly infectious. On any given day, Jackie's outward appearance is bound to be something unique and creative. With her traditional Italian looks - thick black hair, dark brown eyes, and lightly tanned skin - she can easily dress in many different styles and still look adorable. Her manner of dress ranges from punk to preppy, gothic to grunge. At school, she can appear to be a perfect little angel, yet be a hard-core, glamorous, punk-rocker at a party the same night.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Bilbo Baggins Changed to Become a Hero Essay

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s, The Hobbit, the heroic nature of Bilbo Baggins is depicted through his actions in each mental and physical challenge. His mental challenges in learning about himself, what he is capable of achieving, and being a faithful leader in times of crisis, the physical challenges of fighting off spiders, goblins, and Wood-elves. The hero of the novel is witnessed from being a modest and timid hobbit to a clever and respected leader. Even though he didn’t start off as an extraordinary hero, he was slowly turning into one. Bilbo’s growing valor is shown with his riddle fight with Gollum. â€Å"Straight over Gollum’s head he jumped, seven feet forward and three feet in the air.† This proves that Bilbo is willing to take risks and have the skill to jump that high takes true grit. Also in this chapter, he becomes more verbally heroic, for example: â€Å" ‘ Come on!’ said Bilbo. ‘I am waiting!’ He tried to sound bold and cheerful, but he did not feel at all sure how the game was going to end, whether Gollum guessed right or not.† Although Bilbo puts up a tough front by trying to sound brave and bold, he is still pretty weak inside, doubting his own abilities. However, this will change dramatically throughout the novel. Another way he has shown heroic qualities is when he had to save the dwarves from the elves. â€Å" ‘No time now!’ said the hobbit. ‘You just follow me! We must all keep together and not risk getting separated. All of us must escape or none, and its our last chance. His commanding words reflect off as a respected leader. When he said ‘all of us must escape or none’ it means he’s willing to leave no man behind, spoken like a true army general. In the same chapter, Bilbo showed greater heroism, â€Å"Bilbo did his best to find straw and other stuff to pack them in cozily as could be managed in a short time.† This proves that Bilbo cares about his friends and would suffer more himself for the comfort of other. Not only was it because he was the one who wanted them to go into uncomfortable barrels, he tried to make up for it the best he can, it was also because he felt that he was the ‘leader of the pack’ now and that he had the responsibility, the type of responsibility that only a hero would feel. When Bilbo was faced with a huge fear – Smaug, he was at first a little reluctant but confronted it anyways. â€Å" Now I will make you an offer, I have got my ring and will creep down this very noon. Then if veer Smaug ought to be napping – and see what he is up to.† This shows that even if he wasn’t enthusiastic about it, he still gave it a try. Coming from a tiny hobbit hole, eating cakes and drinking tea, it was very challenging for Bilbo to face a frightening, fire-breathing dragon. In chapter 16, ‘ A Thief in the Night’, Bilbo’s growing heroism is shown with the giving of the Arkenstone. Independent moral judgment is displayed when Bilbo goes against his true friend, Thorin. â€Å" Then Bilbo, not without a shudder, not without a glance of longing, handed the marvelous stone to Bard,† This shows that he is willing to give up anything, even the amazing Arkenstone and the friendship with Thorin, to do what’s right. Although he did want to keep their friendship and the Arkenstone at first, he is not materialistic and greedy and gave it to Bard. A hobbit that possesses this type of generosity can be called a hero. I think this novel is actually about the formation of Bilbo Baggins from comfort-loving Hobbit into a fully-fledged hero at the end of the novel. Therefore he doesn’t start off as a hero but certainly as his character develops by the incidents that he faces he shows himself to be truly heroic, especially in contrast to other â€Å"heroic† characters.

Monday, September 16, 2019

My Nursing Ethics Kelly Martinez Grand Canyon University

My Nursing Ethics Kelly Martinez Grand Canyon University: Introduction to the Study of Ethics 10/14/2012 My Nursing Ethic PASSION: Why am I here? As a child I was always attracted to the smaller, weakened animal I found in my yard, i. e. dying birds, kittens, bugs, etc. The animals we owned were never neutered which resulted in a numerous amount of puppies and kittens. I was intrigued by the cycle of life. Originally I wanted to become a veterinarian. The financial strain on my family made it apparent that it would not be possible.As fate would have it, there was a two year waiting list for nursing school, but I was readily accepted into a two year respiratory program. At the end of the respiratory program, I stayed for one more year to specialize in NICU. As time passed, I became very passionate about the patient care aspect; however the nurse always pulled rank on my practice. It was at this point in my career that I knew I wanted to be the nurse. I felt I knew everything there was to know about nursing; luckily I was mentored by a group of seasoned nurses who molded me to be the nurse I am today.They taught me who I was and what I was made of. I learned that I had very strong traditions of the Contemporary medical care culture. I was raised a strict Catholic and believe that the Physician held the same status as that of the Priest. Both were held in the highest regard and you never questioned their word. You were religious about visitation, immunizations and treatment. I never questioned the physician in regards to treatment plan or care. I was a stickler for following the rules no matter what my own personal morals or beliefs were.MOTIVATION: What moves me to act? For the most part, I worked in a predominately white middle class community hospital which had roughly the same ethical morals, values and beliefs as I did. Rarely did we care for a minority. As I matured and began to recognize what my nursing ethics were all about, I began to question physician o rders when I felt they were not in the best interest of the patient. I began to question treatments that I was performing which seemed to have little or no effect.Because of my strong moral convictions, when a family member questioned the treatment I was providing, which I didn’t have a real answer for except, â€Å"your doctor ordered it† made me uncomfortable. I was unhappy with this response as was the family. I needed answers for myself as well as the patient. I needed to believe that I was practicing medicine to the best of my ability. I had a moral obligation to my patients to do the right thing regardless of the physicians written orders. I was the one caring for the patient and their families for 72hrs. t a stretch, while the physician was there for only 15 minutes. I came to understand the patient’s culture, values and beliefs. I wanted to advocate for their wishes. I need to do more than carry out orders written in a chart. INSPIRATION: What keeps me i n motion? Because of my personal values and beliefs and how it related to my nursing philosophy I felt obligated to stand up for what I believed in. As luck would have it, I was at the beginning of the, â€Å"Evidence Based Practice†, era. I jumped on every class, committee, and program I could find to support my nursing convictions.I taught one of the first â€Å"Culture Sensitivity† classes at my facility. I rewrote the ICU visitation policy to include families during CPR if they were so inclined. I attended classes on wound care and followed home care nurses to learn how they treated unstageable non healing wounds. I was no longer willing to follow doctor’s orders just because they were written in a chart. I needed to know that the care I provided was morally and ethically sound. LOYALTY: Whom do I serve? One late Sunday afternoon I received a very obese restless, combative full arrest from the ED.I was challenged to keep him in the bed and from pulling out h is ET tube. I turned to his family for assistance in finding out why he was so angry. His wife was a very small timid abused woman who was afraid of her own shadow. He was an abusive alcoholic and a diabetic. He was non-compliant with any medical regimen. His legs were swollen with weeping wounds. He refused any medical treatment and had told his wife if she took him to the hospital he would surely kill her. Because of this woman’s own personal morals and convictions, when she thought he was near death, she called 911.I reassured her that she had done the right thing. I called the doctor to receive orders for comfort measures and also ask if he was aware of the patient’s wishes for medical treatment. He was very clear that he knew the patient’s wishes to be a No Code, however; due to his age and diagnosis, he also knew this patient could be cured of his medical aliments. Ironically, the patient pulled out his ET tube with his tongue. As soon as the tube was out, the patient arrested. I started CPR as per protocol. I encouraged the physician to talk with the wife and respect the patient‘s wishes.I was in a moral dilemma with caring out physician orders vs. the patient’s wishes. I was uncomfortable ordering care for a patient that I clearly knew did not want it. The physician was in his own dilemma because he knew the patient’s medical status could be cured if he was given the chance. After much debate, the patient was re- intubated and made a full DNR. Later I heard the patient worked his ET tube out again with his tongue and died. The physician did not speak to me for a very long time because of this incident.It is because of this journey that I now oversee the Palliative Care Department. I assist patient in understanding the implications and ramification of their advanced care directives. References: Characteristics of Ethical Dilemmas, (2012). Retrieved on October 14, 2012, from www. nln. org/ce/mcgovern/tslg015. htm Doherty, R. , Purtilo, R. (2011). Ethical dimensions in the health professions. (5th ed. ) (57-58). St. Louis:Mosby. http://www11. georgetown. edu/research/nrcbl/pcbe/bookshelf/reader/chapter3. html

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Are There Advantages to Home Schooling? Essay

â€Å"Many people turn their nose up at me and make a face of disproval when I tell them I home school my children. It really doesn’t bother me though. I feel there are a great number of advantages to home schooling my children.†Ã¢â‚¬â€œMargaret Schiner. Many parents have often pondered on which type of educational setting would be better for their children. The most common way for children to receive their basic K-12 education is by attending a public school. However, there is one very different option, home schooling. The advantages of home schooling are starting to be realized by more and more parents each year, evident by the growing number of children being home schooled. So, are there advantages to home schooling? With today’s society, this seems to be growing truer all the time. Of course, there are disadvantages to just about anything; home schooling is no different. Although, there seems to be many more advantages to teaching children from home, versus s ending them to a public school. The home schooling process seems to be much more efficient than that of public schools. Lawrence Hardy of American School Board Journal asked Yvonne Bunn, a home schooling mom, to comment on her thoughts of how home schooling matched up with that of a public school, academically. Ms. Bunn replied saying, â€Å"Academically, home schooling is like a tutorial, a one-on-one relationship. That is every teacher’s dream† (18). She went on to comment about how she thinks home schooling is â€Å"the quickest, most comprehensive way of covering a subject† (18). Home schooling seems to be the best way to speed up the learning  process because of the lack of other students. Ms. Bunn told of how one of her daughters was able to complete the entire kindergarten curriculum before Christmas, and this was in just two  hours of â€Å"school† a day. She described how this is possible by saying, â€Å"We accomplish the curriculum in two hours a day because we’re not lining up,  we’re not dealing with troublemakers in the classroom† (18). Many people feel as if the sheltered environment of learning in the home will often hurt a child when he or she decides to leave home to pursue a college education. However, this might not necessarily be true. Margaret Schiner has recently sent her home schooled son off to college, and he is now doing very well in the college setting. She said she believed that â€Å"he is at an advantage because he has learned to study independently and not rely on others so much, which is similar to how you learn in college.† Lawrence Hardy also discusses this issue. He indicates that they (home schooled children) â€Å"are naturals for post-secondary work because of their experience with the kind of independent study that college requires† (19). There is another advantage to home schooling; although, this is an advantage that is often debated for moral reasons. Since most parents who home school don’t keep their student’s grades, when asked by a college to assign a grade for such things as dual-enrollment college classes, the parents often assign the highest grade possible. Rebecca Talluto, dean of educational services at Brevard Community College discusses this topic. She tells how when a home schooled student wants to be part of dual-enrolled college classes, he or she do not go to a principal or guidance counselor to get the proper documents signed. â€Å"Instead they must submit a notarized affidavit that says they are at least sophomores. Their parent, in lieu of a high school guidance counselor and principal, sign a form from us stating that the student meets minimum  GPA requirements. And this is where the problem shows up: when we explain this form to the parents, they usually reply that they do not keep grades. Then they go ahead and sign the form, assigning their child a 4.0 GPA† (20). Unfair? Yes, but it’s definitely an advantage for home schooled students. Just about every critic of the home schooling process will use the â€Å"loss of socialization† point when debating why home schooling is a bad choice.  Yvonne Bunn was asked about whether she was worried about socialization. Ms. Bunn had a very interesting reply, almost flip-flopping the question. She stated, â€Å"We had better be concerned with socialization, because socialization is one of the best reasons to home school. Just look at society today† (18). She went on to say that â€Å"home schooled children have lots of opportunities for socialization–from church groups, scouting, 4-H, and community organizations, to name few† (18). Ms. Bunn feels like her children don’t necessarily need school in order to gain the basic, essential socialization skills needed for life. However, Bob Chase, President of the National Education Association, feels differently. He feels as if the socialization skills picked up from interaction with children of your own age while in public schooling is essential. He says, â€Å"Public education represents a slice of reality that goes beyond participation in 4-H activities, ballet classes, and church socials† (qtd. in Hardy 15). Many parents feel as if they should be more concerned about what kind of socialization their child is receiving, rather than how much. By knowing just what activities a child is involved in, for instance a church youth group, there is a better understanding of just who they are interacting with, as well as a little more control over whom they socialize with. In a public school setting there just isn’t this type of knowledge or control. Ms. Bunn agrees with  this type of philosophy stating, â€Å"Parents should be concerned about the quality of social contracts, rather than quantity † (qtd. in Hardy 18). Before really looking into the issue, most people turn their nose up at the idea of home schooling their children because of the negative remarks often made about this alternative to public schools and the common myths that have developed over time such as: the loss of socialization and poor success in post-secondary schooling. However, if one takes the time to really sit and evaluate which choice would be better for their children, receiving an education in a public school or at home, home schooling has a lot of strong advantages that cannot be ignored. A very small percentage of people who  home school their children give the practice up, and either start their children in a public school for the first time or send them back to the public schooling system. The education that home schooled children are receiving today is often better than that of a public education, and is now starting to show up in society more and more. Richard Hardy discusses this by saying, â€Å"It’s hard to argue with the advantages of one-on-one instruction, of extensive parent involvement, and of a curriculum tailored to every child’s needs. Home schooled children are winning spelling and geography bees and going on to top-notch colleges† (19). It’s obvious there are definite advantages to home schooling, just ask an experienced home school mom like Margaret Schiner. Works Cited Hardy, Lawrence. â€Å"Learning Without School.† American School Board Journal 188 (Aug. 2001): 14-19. Schiner, Margaret. Personal interview. 4 April 2004. Talluto, R. â€Å"Accountability for Home Schoolers.† American School Board Journal 188 (Aug. 001): 20-21.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Human Activities and the Loss of Natural Resources Essay

Natural resources including soil, water, forest, mineral and biodiversity have been repeatedly destroyed around the world by humans. â€Å"Since 1970, over 600,000 square kilometers (232,000 square miles) of Amazon rainforest have been destroyed† (Butler, 2011). The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) estimated that â€Å"soil erosion carries away a volume of soil equivalent to one metre deep over 200,000 hectares every year in the Philippines.† In Asia, where water has always been regarded as an abundant resource, per capita availability declined by 40-60% between 1955 and 1990 (Coleridge, 2006). â€Å"In South Africa major conservation areas such as Kruger national park risked losing up to 60% of the species under their protection† (Brown, 2004). Mindful of the losses of natural resources, this essay will discuss how human activities harm the world’s natural resources in terms of the loss of soil resource, forest resource, and biodiversity. †¢ The loss of soil resource Human activities have often led to the loss of soil resources, which are the basis for sustained food security. Soil occurs naturally from physical and chemical disintegration of rocks and minerals combined with fossil. Because of such a combination, soil has different properties. Nowadays human activities repeatedly destroy soil resource. For example, illegal logging degrades soil quality. It is easy for wind and water to bring fertile soil away, which eventually results to soil erosion. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization, a branch of United Nations) estimates that â€Å"the global loss of productive land through erosion is 5-7 million ha/year.† Another example of the loss of soil resource is farmers’ lack of knowledge (à ¸â€"à ¸ ±Ã  ¸ ¨Ã  ¸â„¢Ã  ¸ µÃ  ¸ ¢Ã  ¹Å' à ¸ ­Ã  ¸ ±Ã  ¸â€¢Ã  ¸â€¢Ã  ¸ °Ã  ¸â„¢Ã  ¸ ±Ã  ¸â„¢Ã  ¸â€"à ¸â„¢Ã  ¹Å', 2554). These farmers will not know indeed how to prepare soil for cultivation. That is why the soil quality is damaged. WRI, U NEP, UNDP, and World Bank have found that â€Å"the degradation of soil resources all over the world is 1.9 billion hectares.† Both examples show that human activities cause the loss of soil resource. †¢ The loss of forest resource Forests, which are valuable asset and essential resource on earth, have been destroyed by human activities. â€Å"Nearly 4 billion hectares of forest cover the earth’s surface, roughly 30 percent of its total land area† (Mygatt, 2006). There are many tree and animal species in the forest, so forests contain a lot of beneficial things for humans. Many human activities destroy the forest area. For example, people often cut down the trees and use the wood for trade, fuel, and furniture. The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation will result to the loss of forest area. â€Å"Forest area decreased worldwide by 0.22% per year in the period 1990-2000 and 0.18% per year between 2000 and 2005† (FAO, 2006). This research shows that the world in every year still continues to lose the forest area. Another example of human activity is people, especially in developing countries, change the forest area to agriculture land and tourist attraction including resorts, museums, and parks. The 2007 report, which involved more than 1,300 scientists from 95 countries, said that â€Å"every year about 10-million hectares of the world’s forests are lost to unsustainable modes of economic development.† All of above are human activities, which cause the loss of forest resource. †¢ The loss of biodiversity Despite knowing about biodiversity’s importance for a long time, human activity has been causing the loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity means the diversity of plant and animal life in a particular habitat around the world. Scholar estimates that â€Å"there are 5 million species on the earth, but only 1.9 species are known.† Nevertheless, the numbers of species have been disappearing by human activities every day. For instance, illegal logging is the greatest cause of species extinction worldwide because tropical forests contain at least half the Earth’s species. Scientists said that â€Å"plant and animal species are now disappearing 100 to 1,000 times faster than the natural pace of extinction.† This rapid extinction rate makes ecosystem become imbalance. Another example of human activity that causes the loss of biodiversity is hunting. Most people hunt for food, trade, and recreation. This activity also makes the wildlife become extinct rapidly. Statistics data on the loss of biodiversity suggest that â€Å"at least 20% of bird species have already completely vanished and that 23% of mammals, 25% of conifers, 32% of amphibians and 52% of cycads continue to face serious threat of extinction.† These are the examples of human activities that lead to the loss of biodiversity. Human activities (such as illegal logging, farmers’ lack of knowledge, land clearing, and hunting) are the major causes of the losses of soil resource, forest resource, and biodiversity. People should pay more attention to these problems. They can learn more information about the soil to prevent the loss of soil resource. When they cut down trees, they should not forget to reforest for avoiding the loss of forest resource. They should be more concern and conserve to the forest area to protect biodiversity, otherwise plant and animal species on earth may decrease and totally disappear from the earth.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Sam 488 unit 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sam 488 unit 3 - Assignment Example By empowering and boosting morale, the manager can effectively be a good leader in embedding change across enterprise. The CSO transfer new knowledge by mutual learning and PDU points. Conducive research indicates that mutual learning is exclusive and symbiotic because it harnesses excellent learning. When change occurs, many employees are often confused because they lack the proper education. New training should be a mutual symbiotic relationship and not assigning courses to employees. CSO can achieve optimal growth by promoting overall growth and net scores. Net scores generally for employees are a great way to ensure that employees are satisfied with the overall quality of the work. Net promoter scores also measure the impotence of the organization from a holistic view which gives management a pure understanding of how the company is performing. Another interesting model proposed by research indicates that Information, Motivation and Behavior change model is deemed applicable even though so much used in promoting good health seeking behaviour by other life styles. Holistically speaking, this theory builds on a foundation of an effective communication, which takes into account of keeping in mind the need to work by investing in in the employee itself. A performance management systems leads to a better job improvement because employees are invested in the program itself and are willing to work hard. Most employees feel that they are happy with the goals of the organization as tuition is covered, work from home is a flexibility, and goal is inevitable. However, many employees also felt that growth is limited over short-term is not feasible. Additionally, larger organizations are known to segment its work in smaller departments, which can ruin personal development. Overall, the consensus was clear that larger organizations have a difficult time keeping the employees happy according

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Engineering Manegment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Engineering Manegment - Essay Example hese business plans are intended to be seen as an example of either a good or a bad business plan; instead, they are to be viewed as vehicles towards understanding positive and negative components of each. The first business plan that this analysis will weigh relates to Momentex LLC and their proposed line of Gulp N Go products. Momentex would like to target the untapped market of vending services that are located within toll booths throughout the United States. The plan exhibits multiple strengths. Firstly, regardless of what one thinks of the business plan, it is undeniable that the proximity of the product to the customer is perfectly positioned. The second strength ties in alongside this proximity and evokes the strength of suggestion while the customer is already in the process of making a financial transaction – all of which further encourage him/her to make an impulse buy while at the toll booth. Lastly, for this proximity and these powers of suggestion during a financial transaction, the firm has very few costs associated with marketing as the product is positioned 24/7 and practically free marking takes place at the point of sale on a daily basis. With respect to the weaknesses exhibited in this plan, the first of these regards the legal impacts of commercialization of the toll booths and what this may portend with respect to state, local, cross jurisdictional, and tax laws. In effect, a public good (roads) will now be turned into a way of further generating funding by private businesses. This fact in and of itself has a host of both legal and ethical dilemmas associated with it. Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, there is the issue of traffic flow. Toll booth areas are already high traffic areas that usually only exist in major metropolitan cities. As such, having tens of thousands of people each and every day pausing as to what particular snack or drink they would like to choose while others wait in queue behind them is a recipe for

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Psychology - leadership question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology - leadership question - Assignment Example Leaders like Todd McFarlane see challenges as opportunities and work hard to convert those opportunities into successful ventures for them. This is one of the main personality traits that distinguish successful leaders from other individuals. Moreover, visionary outlook, creativity, entrepreneurial approach, and willingness to take risks to control destiny also distinguish leaders from other individuals. Global competition and technology advances have changed business conditions and leadership challenges in many ways. Today, almost every entrepreneur wants to expand his/her business to other markets to increase productivity and revenues, as well as to gain competitive advantage. Hiring a workforce that is able to understand different cultural, social, and business environments has become one of the main challenges for business entrepreneurs in today’s competitive global environment. â€Å"Attracting and retaining talent in todays very competitive world is something that a human capital practitioner cannot easily dismiss† (Mwaka). Therefore, business leaders not only focus on expanding their businesses but also on hiring a competitive and multicultural workforce. Moreover, leaders also need to make business owners and managers aware of incorporating the use of new technologies to improve the performance of their businesses, as well as to increase productivity both of wh ich are essential for success in today’s competitive environment. Mwaka, Clayton. Common Challenges in Human Resource Management., 10 Aug. 2012. Web. 4 Nov. 2012.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Experts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Experts - Research Paper Example He says that this thought is not the solution but rather the main problem. He claims that the government or all the people on the top are mostly in competent, tyrannical, and corrupt in their ways. The question that Easterly raises out of this book is that whether this philanthropy of the rich is a sham or actually, it points to an imperfect democracy. Throughout the book, Easterly goes on to condemn the act of the technocrats who claim to be helping the people from the clutch of poverty and in turn are crumpling their rights with these supposed remedies or solutions (Birrell). He notes that more than often these remedies, which are designed by these technocrats, are often imported from abroad. Further, these designs are although very impressive to hear in the beginning however, they have very little regard to the local conditions existing in the place it has to be implemented. Therefore, when these so-called remedies are put into effort they destroy the conditions of the economy and the people and harm them more than helping them in return. The author also shows that in most cases the autocratic economies have worse economic growth even in comparison to the democratic economies. She attributes this finding with the fact that the liberties, which are offered to the civilians, are highly essential for the free exchanging of the ide as, further this free exchange of the ideas would lead to the discovery of innovation, which would change the face of the world and ensure success. Moreover the author also points out the term innovation was coined as a term of abuse. What the author tries to make the world realize is that freedom is the solution to the problems of poverty. He claims that the arrogance of the Western thought should be abolished. He claims in this passionate argument that the approach of economic development of pitying and offering pre thought out solutions has to be stopped because these

Career Path Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Career Path - Essay Example They can tell people how to prepare healthy meal and what must be the ingredients in the same.   Those students who are studying at the high school level and are looking forward to pursue a career in nutrition, they can take up courses in biology, chemistry, micro biology, health, mathematics and also communications. This will help them is some way or the other during their perusal of bachelor courses in nutrition. In 2007, there were 281 bachelor degree program and 22 master degree program approved by American Dietetic Association. The minimum qualification required for the same is a bachelor’s degree in dietetics or in food and nutrition or in similar related areas. But among the various states of USA, licensing and certification requirements for the same are different.   License requirements for the nutritionists vary across the different states in USA. Whereas 35 states have made the license requirement mandatory, 12 require statutory certification, while one state requires only their registration. Certification is not compulsory for the nutritionists to practice their profession. The commission on dietetic Registration of the American Dietetic Association awards the Registered Dietitian (RD) credentials, to those professionals who clear the exam after completing the academic stipulation along with the internship. To maintain the RD status, the professionals must complete as least 75 credit hours in approved education classes every 5 years. The internship can be completed in two ways. In the first case, the candidate is required to complete a program accredited by the commission on Dietetic registration. By the year 2007 there were 53 such accredited programs, which provided a combination of academic and practical internship experiences. These prog rams generally last between 4 to 5 years. The other option involves completion of 900 hours of intern experience in any of the 265 accredited internships. If these internships are full time, then they

Monday, September 9, 2019

Calligraphy Box with Design of Autumn Flowers and Grasses under the Essay

Calligraphy Box with Design of Autumn Flowers and Grasses under the Sun and the Moon by Igarashi Doho from 17th century Japan - Essay Example Such artwork was unique to the dominant class of the Japanese society, although there was a difference in popularity of different art types. Art from the Edo era, as the writing box by Igarashi, comprised of several themes and styles of art, which resulted in the era being categorized as the revival era of Japanese art. Doho’s calligraphy box, as a piece of art, captures three traits of the Japanese society in the periods leading to the 17th century; religion, wealth and power, and education. The calligraphy box is popular for a number of reasons. Considering the age in which the box was crafted, the level of detail and its intricacy is indicative of developed art in the Japanese culture. The detailing on the wood and incorporation of gold and metal facilitates the development of a unique art form that appears modern as well as complex. There is awe in the artisanship employed in the decorations on the box, which suggest considerable time spent on the development of the artifact. The art could only be achievable in the presence of history and a structured discipline in where artistic skill used in the art was taught. Furthermore, the degree of preservation, considering the age of the art, is one of a civilization that incorporated science into its daily norms. Religion has a huge impact in the calligraphy box, as well as the techniques used in the artisanship. The Early Heian art, which was introduced by Buddhist priest Kukai, influenced the development of Japanese art. One of the attributes that was derived from the religion was the use of gold in art. The calligraphy box appears as having a golden cover to the wood, which is characteristic of the Heian period (Brinkley 26). The E-maki (last Heian) period further imposes the impact of religion on art, as the development of picture scrolls was introduced, with emphasis on the liveliness of the colors used as well as the narration incorporated in the art. Following the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Business Management (Forum Post and Reply) Essay

Business Management (Forum Post and Reply) - Essay Example Personal planning involves setting up objectives for personal life. An example would be a plan to lose weight or start exercising. Another example of personal planning is to allocate time for family, friends, and work so that work life balance can be achieved. Planning and organizing are different in the sense that planning involves setting up future goals and actions plans while organizing has more to do with arranging resources in order to achieve those goals. Organizing in management means to assemble resources to implement the action plan that is designed in the planning process. It is, therefore, safe to say that both planning and organizing complement each other. My former boss always kept himself involved in the work of employees. His involvement was appreciated by employees because one can always turn to him for help. My former boss also took responsibility for his subordinates which is why everyone liked him. He also encouraged debate and consulted everyone before taking decisions like setting up night shifts. This is another positive leadership trait because it is essential to keep everyone on board. One negative leadership trait of my former boss was that he was tough on bad performance. This is a negative trait because he used to lose his temper sometimes while talking to employees regarding performance issues. Another good leadership trait was that he was decisive and never got confused in making decisions. This is a must in every leader because this separates a leader with a follower. Being decisive is important to move forward for a leader and this is why it is a positive trait (Schyns & Meindl, 2006, 279). My former company used control tools like traditional feedbacks to inform the subordinates regarding their position and performance in the company. This feedback was given verbally by immediate supervisors and the whole process was not very formal. I would give a grade B to the feedback process of my former company

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Managing Waste Products from Dairy Factories in Greece Dissertation

Managing Waste Products from Dairy Factories in Greece - Dissertation Example Nutrients and proteins can also be extracted from wastewater for various business purposes. The question is what technology is effective in the treatment of dairy wastewater. Wastewater management, which includes treatment, is part of an effective environmental management system (EMS) which dairy factories should implement immediately at the start of the operation. In countries such as Greece, EMS implementation is not uncommon. This is so because, in the countryside where wastewater usually flows to rivers and adjoining bodies of water, wastewater has to be treated first before it has to be discharged. Environmental impact created by businesses, organizations and dairy factories has to be minimized in order to deliver sustainability for the next generation. An Environmental Management System is a way of addressing the impact on the environment by issuing guidance to organizations, businesses, and governments which maintain or regulate establishments that produce wastewater. An EMS a nswers the environmental compliance regulations and other relevant activities for environmental best practice. An EMS aims for sustainable development in the community, and minimize waste and hazardous materials. It is a set of rules and requirements that set up a policy for environmental promotion and can be effectively implemented through the guidelines set by ISO 14001. The International Standards Organization states that businesses should implement an EMS which carries out its environmental objectives in accordance with the legal and other significant requirements of the organization and the laws of the land. Wastewater treatment, to include reuse and recycle, is a best practice in line with ISO compliance. (Edwards, 2004) There are a number of methodologies in wastewater treatment that have been implemented by the dairy industry, but some problems in the methods have to be identified. This paper, therefore, will provide an in-depth analysis of some of the methods and technologi es available, along with a business model that can be created out of these methods. 1.1 Objectives The objectives of this paper are: 1.1.1 To analyse how Greek dairy factories, conduct wastewater treatment and reduce wastewater generation that leads to minimization of effluent-treatment costs, and how to extract proteins and nutrients from wastewater; 1.1.2 To analyse the business side of the treated wastewater, taking into consideration the business model that can be created from the nutrients and proteins extracted and separated from the wastewater; 1.1.3 To provide an in-depth analysis of the methods and technologies available so that clear recommendations can be provided. 2. Literature Review There has to be a holistic view of the various ways of waste production, including collection and treatment and subsequent disposal of wastewater. The treatment to be implemented would depend on what type of wastewater is produced by the dairy factory or pond. Wastewater comes from milk, bu tter, yogurt, ice cream and other varieties which may be composed of desserts. Initial planning of wastewater treatment plant includes the following aspects: 1.) The various data and information gathered from the field surveys should be put together, inputted into a database, and carefully studied; 2.) What type of wastewater collection and system will be implemented?

Friday, September 6, 2019

The myth of Tristan and Isolde Essay Example for Free

The myth of Tristan and Isolde Essay The myth of Tristan and Isolde begins with the childhood of Tristan, who was a child of a knight named Rivalen and a maiden named Blanchefleur, the sister of a King Mark. He was raised in secret by his foster father, due to an illegitimate conception, and the early death of both his parents – his father in battle, his mother after birthing him. When he was fourteen, he wound up (in different versions in different ways) at his uncle’s court, where for four years he trained and became one of the best and most beloved men under King Mark. In four years, his foster father found him at this court, and told the King the truth. The king loved his nephew even more, and made his newfound nephew a knight. With this newfound status, Tristan killed the murderer of his father, a certain Morgan, and thus became the champion of Cornwall. After that an Irish Morholt demanded tribute from Mark, and Tristan challenged him to a battle. He won, but at the price that no one except the sister of Morholt, Isolde the Elder – who is the mother of his beloves Isolde could heal a wound that he received. So he journeyed to Ireland under the guise of Tantris the harper, and for his music, got the queen to heal his wound, then returned to Cornwall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Ireland, many people were jealous of the luck and glory that Tristan claimed. Especially three noblemen: Ganelon, Godwin and Denoalan, who hated him with a passsion. They placed upon him a nearly impossible task: to win the Irish princess’s hand for King Mark – and that considering that Ireland and Cornwall were enemies! Fortunately, Tristan found a way, in a version of the classical tale of the dragonslayer’s possession of tongues. In the legend, his identity is discovered before he goes through the final stage of comparing the tongue and the head, but he manages to convince the Isoldes not to kill him, but to rationally allow Isolde the Younger to become queen of Cornwall and Ireland. He passes the trial, and Isolde is sent with him – along with a love potion mixed with wine, that her maid, Brangwain, is to administer to Isolde and King Mark. However, that is not fated to be, as Tristan and Isolde accidentally share a cup of the wine and, as a result, fall madly in love with each other – a passion that neither can make abate or resist in any kind of way. Isolde loses her maidenhood to Tristan on the ship. To conceal this error, the lovers and Brangwain have Brangwain spend the first night with King Mark. Thus, Isolde was able to live well at court.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the two lovers were unable to stop meeting, and soon, there were quite a few rumors. There were many attempts to catch them, until one time, when they were making love, a wound of Tristan’s opened, and the sheets were splattered with blood. There versions part: either they are accused immediately, or the ruse is kept up for a certain amount of time. Either way, Isolde has to take an oath that she isn’t lying and be tested by the hot iron, and she is able to do so without any harm to herself, due to a trick she and Tristan devised. By falling on him when he aided her to cross the river and disguise, she was able to swear that â€Å"she has never had any man between her legs except Mark and the peasant on whom she fell†. In any case, the two are exiled (with different amounts of violence), and they live in a far-off forest. One day, when Mark accidentally comes upon them, he finds the lovers asleep apart, clothed, with a sword between them – they were very tired that day. Feeling guilty of his doubt, he left a sign that he had been there. The lovers awake, different in two versions, either feeling guilty yet in love, or with effects of the potion finally worn off. In any case, they return Isolde to Mark, and Tristan goes into exile.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There he marries a Breton woman named Isolde of the White Hands. However, he cannot forget Isolde, and cannot consummate their marriage, speaking of an old wound. However, when this is one day mentioned to the brother of Isolde, Kaherdin, he wishes to see this woman, Isolde. The two secretly return to Cornwall, and while Tristan reunites with Isolde, Kaherdin unties with Brangwain. However, a knight named Cairado accused them of being cowards, as he made their squires run away, and this led to conflict with Brangwain. However, Kaherdin remedied the situation by killing Cairado.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, later Tristan received a wound from a poisoned lance, from which only Isolde could heal him. In a tale reminiscent of Theseus, the ship with Isolde sailed back with white sails, but the Isolde of the White Hands said that the ship was with black sails – meaning Isolde had betrayed him – and Tristan died of grief. So did Isolde, once she learned of this death. On their graves, which were near, two trees grew, intertwining, that even King Mark could not hack down. Thus ended their romance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Campbell’s interpretation of the Hero, Tristan doesn’t quite fit. A Heroic task is to â€Å"integrate these [psychological] parts or energies and win the prize our individuality, our sense of place, our sense of purpose.† (Campbell, 1990) Tristan, if anything, loses himself in his love, though, admittedly, gaining a certain distinction from the rest in the process. He does have a sense of purpose – it is his love, Isolde – however, he is by no means integrated. He does not achieve the end of the Hero’s quest, and dies – distinct, but a distinct failure, as well. He is an example of a good intention, but bad realization.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Campbell shows how the supernatural rules over people’s lives. Quite a number of lives were ruined because of one simple mistake when dealing with magic. The supernatural corrupts, twists lives and fates, never allowing people to do what they truly wish, restraining will. This mythological element plays in full force here. This is the tragedy of dealing with a blind force that simply does not care for humans and their petty trifles†¦ Such as love. The whole story of Tristan and Isolde is a protest against this sort of violation of the human being, of its desire to be and live as an ipseity unto itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In relation to this is the theme of individualism and its conflict with society, which Campbell recognizes the tale of Tristan and Isolde as one of the first manifests of. Society would force them to conform – and this brings happiness for no one. Individuality, and its logical consequence, egoism, are increased by the love potion, and forced to show itself from the worst angles – betrayal, adultery, lies and provocations. This would, indeed, be true of any strong individuality, but is shown particularly well in Tristan and Isolde in particular, as to what can individuals when consumed by a passionate cause do. Individualism is a powerful force. Though here it cannot yet defeat society and fate, and thus complete the Hero’s journey, this tale certainly set the mood for some larger breakthroughs. References. Tristan and Isolde, Retrieved from: Accessed on: May 1, 2005 Campbell, Joseph, Transformations of Myth Through Time. New York: HarperCollins, 1990 Campbell, Joseph, The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Bollingen Series XVII). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1949.